a business hero

For 14 years, relationships with entrepreneurs have helped children receive better treatment

equals efficient

  • We focus on long-term partnerships with business
  • So far, we've donated 5 mln. PLN
  • We have carried outmore than 50 partnerships with business
  • Your support can build systemic help for children with cancer. This is a real and achievable goal.
  • By choosing Heroes, you arehelping to innovate cancer treatment. We finance, among others: the latest genetic drugs not reimbursed by the National Health Fund.
  • We value your needs. Anonymity, unconventional forms of help, or specific deadlines—we will be happy to talk about how you want to support the patients.

They trusted us

  • ATA Finance
  • Customer Meritum
  • Ferrero
  • Maczfit
  • Putka
  • Polish Volleyball
  • 99RENT
  • Włoska Akademia Kulinarna
Krzysztof Całun-Nadulski
I have collaborated and supported Heroes for years. It makes me proud that I can make my little contribution to improving the conditions of cancer treatment for children in Poland. Together with the employees of the company we believe that such long-term activities make sense, and we understand the clear goal of the Foundation. We like the way Heroes’ address the matter, as well as their efficiency in helping all patients.
Krzysztof Całun-Nadulski
CEO at Klim-Spaw


I understand business because it's the environment I come from. Today, I manage the Foundation and build relationships that primarily bring health to patients, but also meet the needs and vision of our partners.

Development is also a form of responsibility that we can define together.

Małgorzta Dudtkiewicz

Because being a hero
is a full-time thing